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Runtime (inmem) patchers

Process Patcher by thewd. 31.I.2000.
Process Patcher 3.60 (182K).

- Full Windows 2000 support.
- Increased Parsing & Patching Engine robustness.
- Added patch information parameters - PatchInformation, PatchAuthor and PatchContactInformation Information is accessed by using the /displayinfo argument (this is an attempt to stop people bugging me about patches that don't work and were not written by me).
- Added RetryCount parameter which determines the number of times the memory patch is attempted.
- Introduced StealthMode parameter, which attempts to hide this process patcher from the target process (Windows 9x Only).
- so many other internal enhancements.

This is a great new command-line tool that allows a Win32 application to be patched during its runtime. This procedure might be required because the executable may be compressed or encrypted and known unpackers fail to decompress or decrypt the executable to a readable form. Also, as this tools doesn't change the stored executable, all CRC checks performed on this executable will succeed. Included Configuration File Encryption Utility.

R!SC's Process Patcher by R!SC. Update: 04.VIII.2000.
R!SC's Process Patcher 1.51 (29K). RPPGui 1.6 (183K) by NchantA.

- set current directory to that of the script file, so loader is created in the same directory as the script file.

Erm, well, its a process patcher thingy, creates a win32.exe from a simple script, which will then load a process, and wait for it to unpack/deprotect itself, then patch the memory to fix any bugs that the author left in the program, y'no, like NAG screens, or silly 30 day trials, and its the only one of its kind!!! (which produces a stand-alone win32 exe).

Launcher Generator by T3X. 13.VI.1999.
Launcher Generator V 1.03 (137K).

- Creates small launcher that will patch target app directly in memory.
- FULL GUI with easy options.
- Generated launcher is 4k big.
- Dialog win at launch time
- Up to 32 patch sequences for totally 256 bytes
- Fully commented LOG file
- Full customizable behehavior

Patch On Fly by Vitaly Evseenko. 01.XII.1999.
Patch On Fly v0.75 (292K).

Patch On Fly allows you to create run-time patches for applications which is protected from the direct code patching, as the crypted or packed code, written on CD disks or protected from code modification by copyright laws. Patch On Fly will automatically creates executable file and companion .DLL This file can be started instead the application and executes and patches in the memory one.

PrincessSandy by AgentData. 08.I.2000.
PrincessSandy 1.0 (238K).

An easy-to-use process patcher, produces about 6K loaders. Delphi 5 and ASM sources on request.

Extreme Loader Generator by Predator. 28.VIII.2000.
Extreme Loader Generator 0.1 (198K).

Creates loaders which:
- are compatible with any Windows OS.
- are compatible with any packer (including asprotect).
- are self-installing (check it out!).
- shellextensions continue to work.
- the loader gets the original programs icon.
- only 5 kb in size (coded in win32asm).

Yoda's Process Patcher by yoda. 03.IX.2000.
Yoda's Process Patcher (196K).

- you just have to add patchinfos/actions in a list and YPP will create a small win32 exe file.
- you can get patchinfos through filecomparing.
- the loader can also do Search & Replace actions and it can wait some time.
- you can choose your own icon for the loader.
- source code available.

Patch Creation Wizard by tERAPHY. 11.IX.1999.
Patch Creation Wizard v1.2 (23K).

Patch Creation Wizard provides an easy way to create patches, which could be used for cracks, savegame cheaters etc. You can create three different type of patches: Byte Patches, Seek and Destroy Patches and Memory Patches.

Viper by BjANeS & Eternal Bliss. 16.III.2000.
Viper 2.41.

- Patch creation in win32asm with GUI. Automatically by comparing 2 files, or manually by entering the offset, original bytes and bytes to replace with.
- Loader (memory patcher) creation in win32asm
- Logfile saving
- MP3 Player and ID Tag altering
- Ability to change the "skin" of VIPer more to come...

Search'n'replace patchers

ByteHunter by The+Q & MrNop. 13.I.1999.
ByteHunter v2.0 (39K).

There is more and more program with frequent updates, that mean that when u cracked 1.1, the 1.2 will be out in few days.. Isn't that some lose of time? So the idea is, instead bytepatch particular offset, to look for a string and replace it with another..
There is not so much sources of progs like this, and most of them are slow.. really slow (TurboPascal suxx sometimes ;) So, we (MrNop & The+q) decided to code one, The+q do the main work, and i added some improvements, and THE_q finally improved all :)

It's one of the fastest Search & Replace procedure i ever see, and i think u will be happy to use it.. so take care of it :) Since v2.0 the engine is coded in pure WinAsm32 for really fast work, and nicer interface.

CodeFusion by Krichmar Kobi. 19.IX.1999.
CodeFusion 3.0 (387K).

- Now supports different file size comparing.
- File compare operation is optimized.
- File truncation method added.
- Minor interface changes.

CodeFusion Wizard is an advanced Patch Generator for Windows 9x/NT. With CodeFusion you can:
- Compare two files for compare info (in Streaming Blocks!)
- Simply byte-patch at a particular offset
- Find & Replace strings
- Generates small Win32 Executable with Normal/Internal or External Pack modes, Super Fast and Safe. With GUI Interface.
- Executable supports: Multiple Files, OpenDialog to browse for target files, Drag & Drop target files, Command Line, Progress Indicator, Backup target files, Wizard Like.
- Use your own Text/Layout/Icon
- File Size, Crc32 check
- The patch info can be stored in a CodeFusion project file, for later updates.

aPATCH by Jibz. 06.IX.2000.
aPATCH v0.26b (74K).

- Added a new command ^CLS^, which clears the screen.
- ^GOTO^ 0 is now allowed.
- ^CRC^ and ^BACKUP^ no longer change the current position in the file.

Creates fast multi-file patches with search/replace from simple scripts. Backups, CRC checking, LFN support. Output is a COM-file.

Related links:
- Patch Creation Wizard.
- Viper.

File offset patchers

COGEN II by tHE EGOiSTE. 9.VI.1999.
COGEN II v1.0 (459K).

Win32 source-code generator. A small and high flxible tool for you to release your own win32 patch files. Feel free to change everything you want: icon, source-code, resources, texts, messages...

Ptasiek's CrackMaker by Ptasiek. 06.I.2000.
Ptasiek's CrackMaker 1.32 (13K).

- The asm source generator has been repaired, enchanced and made faster
- The windows max/min buttons have been eliminated

PCrkM is a small and fast CrackMaker. It simply compares two files: original and cracked one, and then it generates ASM source of crack or PE exe crack.

Crayzee's Patcher by crayzee. 02.VIII.2000.
Crayzee's Patcher 1.31 (60K).

This utility is used for patching files. First you (or somebody else) must create a .pth patch script or .exe minipatcher by comparing two files (old and new one) and then anybody who has the old file can patch it by using the patcher with the patch script or a standalone minipatcher.

tHE sOURCER by CiRUS. 01.I.2000.
tHE sOURCER v1.17b (1.55 MB).

- Dialog Resource file updates with a new Logo
- A nag Screen (2sec) with my brand new logo
- Option : Save to text file will allow you to save compare result in a text file
- Delphi 3/4 *or* Delphi 5 Option because of little diffrences in code
- Save options CheckBox, if you check this, tHE sOURCER will remember all checked items
- Full support of *YOUR* language !! Please, feel free to edit the file sourcer.ini to completly customize tHE sOURCER. If you do please, send me your translation :).
- Two buttons in the About Tab, one to send me an E-mail, the other to jump to my website.

This Patch maker is abble to produce:
- Source code for : ASM GUI - Tpascal 7.0 - C DOS - Delphi 3/4/5.
- Compiled GUI patch : ASM GUI.
- Compiled DOS patch : TPascal 7.0 - C DOS.


The patch engine compares two files and writes the compare info in a :
1. Executable [com] (same as compiled assembler file)
2. Pascal file
3. C++ file
4. Assembler file
5. Data file [see further for more info]
All you need to do is compile / run the file that the patch engine created!

CoMPare2CRacK/486 by Professor Nimnul. 13.I.1999.
CoMPare2CRacK/486 v0.06b (4K).

- Pure 100% juice of ASM(Not PASCAL or C)
- Len below 1800 bytes (not Kb or Mb!!!)
- Files' size -> UnLimited
- Files' differences number -> UnLimited
- Files with different len are supported
- Path support,including_paths in CRKfile
- Allow to make EXEcute-abled CRK files!
- Supporting CRAZY VideoCards !!!
- Supporting Different names of DST-files

Embryo Patcher by Devon. 07.IX.2000.
Embryo Patcher 1.2 (16K).

- console output option.
- options and author stored in registry.
- smaller output files.

Embryo Patcher compares two files and writes differences in a one small Windows 32 Bit Executable! Fast and easy (GUI) tool!
- file memory mapping
- can handle up to 255 changes
- patch doesnt alter file time and attributtes
- small and compressed output file
- 100% pure ASM
- .nfo file support
- crypt data
- CRC-32 check

PatchEngine by ScAEvoLa. 15.VIII.2000.
PatchEngine 1.33 (16K).

This PatchEngine is a GUI-based patch engine which compares two files and creates a GUI-based standalone patch/crack. No runtime libaries are needed for the engine and the crack. You may specify a custom icon (32x32x16) that will be displayed in the generated crack. The PatchEngine and the created cracks are both runnable under Windows 9x and Windows NT/2K.

pkpm by josh (aka GreenJosh). 19.I.1999.
pkpm 0.94 (8K).

- rewrote the diff procedure : it is now twice as fast as before. The increase in speed should be noticeable especially on big files.
- added a check on the max number of bytes (of difference) : 2000 (a com file is <= 64 Kbytes...) That limit may change later.
- oops... pkpm.exe didn't want to start under NT4... 't was upx packing fault (Why did I wanted to pack it since 't was less that 14 Kbytes... Dunno.. :)

Sometimes, I have to do small patches to improve my applications since I lost the source code and didn't want that damn call be called ;) By small, I mean less than 50 bytes. I wanted to have a quick patch maker and besides I wanted it to make small patches. Thus I wrote pkpm.

Related links:
- Private COMpiler.
- Patch Creation Wizard.
- CodeFusion.
- Viper.

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